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Mark Ravenhill

Shopping and Fucking

Photos by Arvydas Gudas
9 april 2025, 18:30, Main Stage
20 june 2025, 18:30, Main Stage
Director Jonas Kuprevičius
Rūta Jonikaitė Šarūnas Rapolas Meliešius Nojus Mikalauskas Samuelis Valentinas Sauchatas Gerardas Ciparis
Scenographer and costume designer
Guostė Ringelytė
Lighting designer
Jonas Kuprevičius
Translation from English
Aušra Simanavičiūtė
Duration 2:00
Premier 2024-09-12

Famous British contemporary playwright Mark Ravenhill wrote the play Shopping and Fucking in 1996. It was first presented in Lithuania in 1999 at the New Drama Action, where a reading of the play took place. Director Oskaras Koršunovas created a performance by the same name based on the play; it marks the birth of OKT (Oskaras Koršunovas Theatre). Jaunimo Teatras presents a performance based on the play created by the youngest theater generation. Its representatives could be the children of the creators of the previous play. A question arises: how does the approach of the children differ from that of their parents?

When Shopping and Fucking hit the Lithuanian theatre stage at the end of last century, most people focused on the more shocking aspects of the play: the characters and situations that had previously been a taboo. “Today, such themes are no longer shocking to the audience, however the fundamental question of the play is still relevant: is there room for true feelings in today’s society?” says Jonas Kuprevičius, the director of the play.

In Shopping and Fucking, memorable roles are played by talented young actors who have just graduated from theatre acting studies at the LAMT (course director – Gintaras Varnas). They tell the story of their generation – dependent and playing, lost and sensitive, traumatized and in search of their place, friendship, human closeness in the modern hypocritical consumerist society, where one cannot survive without a sense of humor.

Shopping and Fucking is presented in Black Box, a platform developed by Jaunimo Teatras for the promotion and dissemination of the work of young artists. The aim is to establish ongoing collaborations with promising young artists and to implement and spread their creative ideas.

The performance is presented in cooperation with the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.