
W. G. Sebald
Director Krystian Lupa

The novel "Flights" by Olga Tokarczuk
Bėgūnė (Flights)
Director Jonas Kuprevičius
Bėgūnė (Flights)

Vytautas V. Landsbergis
Horse Dominykas in love
Director Albertas Vidžiūnas
Horse Dominykas in love

Based on "Waiting for the Barbarians" by J. M. Coetzee
The Barbarians
Director Árpád Schilling
The Barbarians

Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot
Director Gintaras Varnas
Waiting for Godot

Astrid Lindgren
The Brothers Lionheart
Director Kirsten Dehlholm
The Brothers Lionheart

Directors Naubertas Jasinskas Maksym Teteruk

Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote
Director Adomas Juška
Don Quixote

Based on "The Paneriai Journal, 1941–1943" by Kazimierz Sakowicz
Director Justinas Vinciūnas

Based on the novel by Édouard Louis
The End of Eddy
Director Naubertas Jasinskas
The End of Eddy

Based on "The Kindly Ones" (Les Bienveillantes) by Jonathan Littell
The Erinyes
Director Sergej Loznica
The Erinyes

Director Adomas Juška

Thomas Mann
The Magic Mountain
Director Krystian Lupa
The Magic Mountain

Ričardas Gavelis
Memoirs of a Young Man
Director Eglė Švedkauskaitė
Memoirs of a Young Man

Robert Schneider
Brother of Sleep
Director Adomas Juška
Brother of Sleep

Aldous Huxley
Brave New World
Director Gintaras Varnas
Brave New World

Peter Handke
Director Justinas Vinciūnas

John Logan
Director Valentinas Masalskis

An imagined documentary
Tommorow was Yesterday
Director Aidas Giniotis
Tommorow was Yesterday

Performance for the entire family based on the works by Simonas Daukantas
Rubinaitis Peliūzė, or The Lithuanian’s way to survive
Director Saulė Degutytė
Rubinaitis Peliūzė, or The Lithuanian’s way to survive

Mark Ravenhill
Shopping and Fucking
Director Jonas Kuprevičius
Shopping and Fucking

Florian Zeller
The Son
Director Ignas Jonynas
The Son

Jaroslav Hašek
Director Adomas Juška

Sigitas Parulskis
Ubu the Czar
Director Gintaras Varnas
Ubu the Czar

Ödön von Horváth
Tales from the Vienna Woods
Director Yana Ross
Tales from the Vienna Woods

The Story of One Sound II
Director Arturas Bumšteinas
The Story of One Sound II

Asia Vološina
Man Out of Fish
Director Eglė Švedkauskaitė
Man Out of Fish